Let me start by saying this company has easily the worst business practice I have dealt with. I would stay far away from here if looking to have your car serviced. Below is everything I just dealt with dropping off my car this morning. This was probably the worst case of up charging I have ever experienced anywhere. Let's start by saying I work in the automotive industry, but couldnt complete an alignment at my work because my jeep is too wide for our alignment rack and decided to go to give Nealey a call to see if they could do it. And they said I could drop it off the next morning before work and quoted me $129.95 for the service. Lets just say, that original price quoted was not the case. The call I got 3 hours later at 10 am told me they couldn't do the alignment because there was some play in the front ball joints. They did send a video showing some play, maybe a 1/16th of an inch if that, but is to be expected on a car with 70k on it. So they told me the work would have to be done before an alignment is completed. This amazing shop wrote me up a work order invoice for a total of $4291.33, only $4161 more than I expected to pay before I left there this morning. So naturally I declined the service and picked up the car. But I decided to look into everything that needed to or was recommended to service. First the ball joints and ujoints, that service alone was quoted $2455.50. Luckily with my job, I am able to pull dealer recommend service times using auto/mate. (this is what my system claims, so may fluctuate slightly on quotes). But mine shows 3 hours of labor per side for ball joints and 3 hours per side for u-joints, a total of 12 hours of labor, and parts came out to $400 for ball joints and $100 for the u-joints. Our labor rate is pretty average for a shop at $75/hr. My math here shows this service if needed for my car should cost $1400. So who knows where they pulled the extra $1055 from. Then there was all of the extra services recommended based on their courtesy inspection..... Air filter, fuel/induction service, battery, coolant, brake system, power steering, trans fluid, front diff, rear diff and t-case fluids. Another $1654 in services. Lets talk about those. All fluids are fine - trans, t case, diffs have less than 5k miles on them. (but I will give the benefit of the doubt as this was a car mileage based rec). Brake fluid and power steering are fine but do have more mileage on it (again I can give them the benefit of the doubt here). But then comes the coolant. This can easily be seen by removing the cap. This coolant was replaced less than two weeks ago when we replaced the head on the motor, so yeah basically brand new. My favorite part is the air filter that was recommended for $51. I asked if this was looked at. The service guy said yes, they are checked if it does not require tools. I said oh okay goof because the air box cover does not require any tools. But then I went on to explain to him that it has a filter that was replaced at the same time less than two weeks ago.