Posted on 12/7/2021

Hint: We're not just talking money here. Consider this: for most of us, our vehicle is our life line. We take our kids to school in it. We rely on it for grocery runs to feed our families. We take our elderly parents to doctor appointments. The list goes on and on of tasks that most of us could not do without our vehicle. Tasks that we often take for granted. Now picture yourself without your vehicle for more than a day. Your 86 year old mother misses her doctor appointment. You run out of formula for the baby. Where does that leave you? Feeling stranded. This scenario is within the realm of reality if you don't take care of your vehicle. Like a visit to the doctor for a checkup to make sure your medications are working, your automotive technician does a checkup on your vehicle. If you're diabetic, you have to make sure you're taking the proper amount of insulin or things can go terribly wrong. If your vehicle doesn't have enough of t ... read more
Posted on 11/23/2021

With 2021 in the rear view mirror, we want to highlight some amazing things that have happened for the Nealey Auto Service family as well as give some insight into what's in store for 2022. Above all we want to thank our customers, both new and established for being along for the ride! The greatest highlight of 2021 was opening our second location. On August 2, 2021 we opened the doors to our Deale shop to better serve our South County customers. With every new beginning comes some minor differences but we strive daily to achieve the same core values and qualities across the board. "Grow or Die", right?! Many personal and professional goals were achieved by our staff this year. One of our technicians who had been a member of the Nealey family since nearly the beginning has moved on to his dream job of being a police officer, another recently got engaged. We have added some new staff members, others have moved up to new positions.  ... read more